Ayers Concepts

Toy and Game Design Guidelines

Execution is Everything!

Exploit the Technology

Simple, yet Profound

Games not to Invent: Board Games

Games to Invent: Skill and Action

Games to Invent: Adult Social Interaction

Know what the Toy Companies are Looking For
Study what's on the shelves of toy and discount stores, what's being advertised. Our SuperSite contains the WISH LISTS which is updated periodically.

Play Test Your Product!
The best judge of your toy or game will be the eventual consumer. Is it fun? What problems show up and how can they be solved? What do those who are play testing say could be done to make it better?

To Be Put in Perspective

Toy Inventing Professionals: Learn how they think!

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© 1996-1998, Ayers Concepts. Last update 17-Mar-98.